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Creativity • Shamanism • Rewilding

May 4 to 6, 2018

Please join me for a weekend workshop to kindle your creativity, connect deeply with nature and reclaiming your belonging in the tribe of women. The workshop starts on Fri, May 4 and ends on Sun, May 6, 2018.

We will use shamanic journeying, forest bathing, poetry, drawing, writing, skill share, crafts, dream work, drumming, movement and ceremony to awaken instinctual knowledge.

Whether you need a creative boost for your art, life or business, the aim of this time together is to ground you in yourself and the earth to bring forth new vision and direction.

We will gather on Friday evening at 6:00 pm and end on Sunday at 3:00 pm at Sacred Groves Sanctuary (10 min by car from the Winslow Ferry Dock on Bainbridge Island).

 The cost includes your room (in various beautiful yurts) and all workshop time. We will cook together a menu that supports gut health and connects you deeper to ancestral eating–whole foods, no refined sugar, plant based. All meals are also included in the cost.

A non-refundable deposit of $30 is required. Max participants are 10 women.

Total Cost: $450

This includes food, room and workshop time.

No prior experience for ANYTHING is required.

Friday, May 4 to Sunday, May 6, 2018.

Feel free to call me with any questions!  Anne :206 782 8194




“Anne’s vast generosity in sharing her wisdom in our sacred circle left me feeling held and healing. My favorite pieces were our saltwater submersion, a secluded beach dotted with luscious naked women walking to the water’s edge and beyond, and my two hour sit spot nap, deep in the midst woods under a protective ancient cedar tree. Spend time journeying with Anne if ever you have the chance. You’ll love it!”



“What I loved about Anne’s retreat was that she did not focus on just one aspect of her knowledge. Instead, she gave us a taste of many of her passions, including ceremony and shamanism, art making, good food, and so much more. There was something for everyone."



“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for such an amazing retreat. It was so much more than what I imagined.  Since the retreat I have been eating so much more mindfully. Something I didn’t even think would be a benefit from the retreat.

"I also wanted to tell you how much the retreat has affected my work, I am pushing myself more and am so happy with the results. You are such a generous teacher and spirit, every moment was a treasure!  I feel lucky to have met you.”


Spring Retreat 2018


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Copyright Anne Siems, 2004-2010


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